Increasing affordability of and access to Good Food

Cohort 1

After an intensive selection and due diligence process, these enterprises were selected as winners of Cohort 1. These enterprises will benefit from result-based-financing and business development support to help grow and scale their businesses and products targeted towards improving the accessibility and affordability of nutritious food.

Country of Operations


Country of Operations


Country of Operations


Intended Impact

By 2026, Raino Tech4Impact aims to create the following impact:

> 721,994 plates of fish served
> 3 distribution points set up in low-income areas
> 360,997 Kilos of fish off taken from Lake Turkana

Country of Operations


Country of Operations


Country of Operations


Project Details

Project Name: Promoting Bean based products

Product: Composite Flour

Duration: 3 years

Objective: Replace widely used single grain-based porridge flour with a porridge flour made with a blend of beans, cereals, tubers, and vegetables to deliver a low-priced, nutritious composite flour, that is easily digestible, tasty, and hypoallergenic.

Fund Usage: Enhancement of production capacity, the introduction of new distribution channels, capacity building of team

Project Details

Project Name: Asili Foods

Product: Composite Flour and Wholegrain fortified flour

Duration: 3 years

Objective: Develop and distribute highly nutritious composite flour made up of whole Maize, Soya, Sorghum and Millet which are known for their high energy value and rich in protein and micronutrients.

Fund Usage: Enhancement of storage and production capacity, production systems and processes, quality assurance

Project Details

Project Name: Composite fortified Maize Flour for improved nutrition

Product: Composite Wholegrain fortified flour

Duration: 2 years

Objective: Blend sorghum, millet and soybeans with maize to produce fortified maize flour to deliver a low-priced, nutritious composite flour.

Fund Usage: Enhancement of production capacity, production systems and processes, quality assurance

Intended Impact

By 2026, Smart Logistics aims to serve:

> 1.9M servings of Beansy product
> 5.1M servings of Frejols product
> 350,000 servings of Nutrimix product

by distributing its products to:

> 32 schools in low-income areas
> 18 hospitals
> 62 clinics
> 2,700 women of reproductive age
> 100 people living with disabilities

It will also increase its reach to smallholder farmers by contracting 765 farmers (350 for High Iron beans, 115 for Orange Fleshed Potatoes, and 300 for millet)

Intended Impact

By 2026, Shalem Investments aims to reach 2,000,000 beneficiaries:

> 13 hospitals
> 62 schools
> 26 relief institutions
> 48 distributors in low-income areas
> 65 contracted farmer organizations
> The company will produce 4,440 MT of fortified wholegrain flour

Intended Impact

By 2026, Agriface aims to create the following impact:

> 10,000 MT production of wholegrain fortified flour
> 11 schools (primary and secondary schools) reached equating to 3,300 students
> 6 health centers served
> 50 jobs created: 26 youth employed and 16 female employees’ clinics.

Intended Impact

By 2026, Naturelock aims to create the following impact:

> 1,150 Tonnes of stew served
> 353 ECDC schools reached
> 213 Primary schools reached
> 71 Secondary schools reached
> 4,400,000 Kids served

Intended Impact

By 2026, Muteesa aims to create the following impact:

> 1,100 MT production of wholegrain-fortified flour
> 90,000 meals served to children
> 60 schools reached
> 70 institutions such as hospitals and local community served

Project Details

Project Name: Wezesha Turkana project

Product: Fish

Duration: 2 years

Objective: Reduce post-harvest losses of fish from Lake Turkana by providing cold-chain as a service and related logistics from the first mile to the last mile.

Fund Usage: Installation of solar coolers at fish landing sites in Lake Turkana to offtake fish and distribute to existing markets across the country, capacity building of team

Project Details

Project Name: Whole grain fortified maize flour for the school feeding program

Product: Wholegrain fortified flour

Duration: 1 year

Objective: Launch whole grain fortified maize flour and leverage Government focus on working with local factories to deliver food under the school feeding program

Fund Usage: Enhancement of production capacity, production systems and processes, quality assurance

Project Details

Project Name: Naturelock Nutrition Solutions

Product: Protein-based stew (Ndengu and beans)

Duration: 2 years

Objective: Distribute a Protein-based stew (ndengu and beans) to school feeding programs through the Government of Kenya (the Ministry of Education), churches, charitable organizations, and children's homes.

Fund Usage: Product development, nutritional analysis work, packaging materials, marketing and distribution, and working capital.